Kindness isn’t just Kool; it’s healing!

Painted Kindness Rocks have been a global movement for years. Communities worldwide have shared painted rocks for others to find and spread joy.In 2021, our team began the Roc-Kit Kindness Project to provide a ready-to-use, simple, and affordable means for a local veteran organization to reach out to the children and youth across their six counties. Most of us have been doing this for over a decade to support the clients and veterans of the Milwaukee VA Hospital, the Women’s Resource Center, the Dormitory Recovery Center, local nursing homes, and counseling centers.  

The purpose of this project was an easy way to introduce youth mental wellness needs to veterans and demonstrate how the simplest of gestures can make a big difference in the lives of others. It became our first bridge connecting our veterans to the mental and emotional needs of young people around our communities. 

Research worldwide consistently finds that “a random act of kindness” positively impacts the mental and physical well-being of both the giver and the receiver of that act.From September 2021 to December 2023, the Roc-Kit Kindness Project placed over 2,000 painted stones* with our veterans, National Guard, and at-risk military dependant youth. While the painters believe the project is for the recipient, the project is a mental wellness tool to benefit those painting.

When we return to the project group to pick up the rocks, we leave them with two thoughts. They are: First, understand despite all that is happening in the world, you have the power to paint a rock and make a difference in another person’s life and Second, why did you paint that picture or write those words to give hope? What was their significance to you? That is what we call back door wellness. It works.

Will you please help us to keep this simple yet impactful program growing?

If you or your organization would like to know more about how to order kits or if you have Kindness Rocks to donate, contact us today.

*Our Roc-Kit Kindness Program has become popular.  We currently have standing annual request for our veteran population of over 1,200 kindness rocks and 500 Kindness Kards.